Succumb - significado y definición. Qué es Succumb
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Qué (quién) es Succumb - definición

v. (D; intr.) to succumb to (to succumb to smb.'s urging; to succumb to a disease)
·vt To Yield; to Submit; to give up unresistingly; as, to succumb under calamities; to succumb to disease.
(succumbs, succumbing, succumbed)
If you succumb to temptation or pressure, you do something that you want to do, or that other people want you to do, although you feel it might be wrong. (FORMAL)
Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette...
The Minister said his country would never succumb to pressure.
= give in
VERB: V to n, V to n
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Succumb
1. ...not succumb to them.
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
2. We succumb to entropy.
David Sinclair _ Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To _ Talks at Google
3. succumb to its advance.
Civil Wars & A History in Ideas _ David Armitage _ Talks at Google
4. succumb to AIDS.
Survivor Café - The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory _ Elizabeth Rosner _ Talks at Google
5. has also started to succumb
Ejemplos de uso de Succumb
1. Twice as likely to succumb in Oxfordshire as in Ohio?
2. The very elderly sometimes succumb to the bug and die.
3. You promise yourself you‘ll never succumb to that desperation.
4. To succumb to this misleading argument, however, is a mistake.
5. The left must never succumb to protectionism, he insisted.